Saturday 10 October 2015

67. Ash keys

The end of the Celtic year at Samhain is only a few weeks away and I can sense the Garden slowing down. Leaves fall, greens fade to orange and brown and nature is moving towards its season of rest.

The Celtic Buddha sculpture reflects the season perfectly, especially on a still, slightly misty October day like today. The figure simply kneels, content in the company of earth and trees.

Behind the sculpture is the tall ash tree I wrote about in April. In the intervening six months the seasons have worked their magic - leaves burst open, grew and are now turning brown; the ash flowers have turned into hanging bunches of winged seeds or 'keys'.

I picked some ash keys, gathered crab apples from the ground and laid them on the lap of the kneeling figure.

A little offering to the spirit of autumn and the potential of new life within the seeds.

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