Tuesday 11 August 2015

54. Ivy - for the fairies

In the woodland, old ivy stems spiral and twist up the mossy trunks of hazel and ash trees, creating the sense of other-worldliness that makes this something of a fairy wood. Recently, we have added to our young visitors' enjoyment by adding some fairy doors along the path, nestled into the secret little places among the ivy and rocks.

In Celtic mythology the Otherworld, the place of faery, spirit and myth, is ever-present. It is the other side of reality, accessible at certain times and in particular places. In the modern world, much of this tradition has been relegated to children's stories and lost to the adult imagination.

Yesterday the Garden was full of real fairies. Elves and Fairies Day is one of our most popular family events and the Garden seems to enjoy it too. This picture was actually taken at a recent wedding, but for me it speaks of the mixture of innocence, magic and nature that makes the place so special to children. But yesterday there were many adult fairies and elves too, a reminder that the mythic world is there - just there - to re-connect with as and when we choose.

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