Thursday 5 November 2015

72. Crab apples

The year has turned. A cycle has ended and a new one begins, not with light, but with the gathering darkness that marks the weeks between Samhain and the winter solstice. The Celtic imagination understood that for new growth and new ideas to grow they first have to be dreamed, and that darkness is the place of dreaming. In nature, a plant sends out roots into the dark earth before it can reach upwards to the light.

Samhain is a time for letting go, for endings, for clearing out the old to make way for the new. But it is also a time to take stock of all that has been harvested, of the richness that will sustain and support us as we move on.

I saw the tree heavy with yellow crab apples, little drops of summer fruitfulness packaged to keep birds and animals alive through the dark winter months. They felt like a bridge between the seasons, bringing the sweetness of the old cycle into the one that is just beginning.

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